Conversation with oldest daughter:
od: Mom, what are you doing?
me: I'm photographing some of my weird stuff that's laying around.
od: Why?
me: I don't know. I thought it might be cool to post it.
od: That's funny, mom. What about the doll that's laying down, she's looks strange.
me: Yeah, she does. Oh well, I'm putting this stuff up anyway.
In my head this all made perfect sense. Now that I'm looking at the collection, it looks like some kind of freak show for bizarre objects:
The blue ceramic face that I made in high school (yes, I did some substances back then, can you tell?) looks like the lead singer of the potato singing group. The little boy toothpick holder is their groupie.
How about that lamp, huh? Now that is some serious folk art, people. At Christmas I put a miniature tree in front of the little fireplace, it's cute.
The shoes were a school project that my youngest daughter did in high school (no, she is substance-free, but very creative).
The sculpt behind the shoes was made by cute hubby's grand father. I think that whole little collection looks outstanding on top of the unused speakers for the unused turntable.
There's also a miniature warrior soldier, and a carved devil with wings. These two might be sparring for the attention of the laying down doll, who is obviously waiting to be rescued.
The anime clock speaks for itself, as does the Marilyn Monroe doll & movie collection.
They are necessary girlie objects whose values double every time I see cute hubby roll his eyes at them. It's part of marriage ninja; only people who have been together as long as we have will understand the wisdom of this.
The framed leaves are from a romantic hike with cute hubby last fall. This is something else that cute hubby could do without, but is a necessary annoying reminder of how much I looooved hiking up that d*mned hill on that d*mned cold day, thus proving my dedication to him.
See? It all makes perfect sense.
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