Saturday, August 22, 2009

Yak Milk, Peach Tart, and Twins

I saw this photo of a red yak pulling giant boombassa's, and couldn't help thinking that Dr. Zibb's of
That Blue Yak would love this (yes, I realize that it's red, not blue). But, he loves getting photos of boobies, so Jim, this photo's for you.

Cheers to my sister, for sending me a cool tank top. She has an identical one, so now we can wear them and be reminded of each other. Isn't that nice? The photo is all scrunchy because I am currently without camera, and had to jam the fabric into the scanner. We are not twins, the shirts are.

Jeers to the Milk ad people for thinking that women would ever want to have a body that resembles Arnold Swartzanazi. Booooo!

Cheers to the Peach Tart, for posting a story on what happens when a woman is scorned, complete with photos. A must read!

Have a fabulous week end everybody! xo d

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