Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Are Your Magazines Making You Sick? Fragrance Ads.

Could it be that the fashionable public is being assaulted with chemicals in their magazines? While nursing a cold at home, one would think that relaxation, perhaps flipping through a magazine, might be a good idea. As I proceeded to do just that, my cold symptoms took a sharp turn for the worse. Within an hour's time, I was coughing worse than I had all day. I couldn't get rid of a "funny" feeling at the back of my throat. Then it occurred to me, that the fragrance ads might be the culprit. So, I ripped them out of each and every magazine, counting no less than eight in total. That's an average of one per magazine, except that one magazine didn't have any. Can you guess which one? Yeah, you would think it would be Oprah, but there was one in there too. Front and center, Nylon, had not a single fragrance ad. I think it is exceptional that they have not given in to that kind of aggressive advertising.
As a side note, I couldn't help noticing that after removal of all fragrance ads, the magazines were easier to flip through. They felt just a little bit more "flexible", honestly.
So from now on, all fragrance ads will be immediately removed from my magazines. I'm sure this is a smart move, even though I couldn't find any official alerts when I tried to research the chemicals in these ads. Not one single alert.

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