Thursday, September 16, 2010

New York Fashion Week Beauty Trends for the Insane

Peter Som gives us bright eyeliner, while Vena Cava gives us orange lips, and Richard Chai gives us "Howdy Doody" ears. Next up we're offered white out alien eyes from Cushnie et Ochs, a "bustle" bun from Christian Siriano, and wtf happend to my comb hair by Jen Kao. The only new look that won't get you laughed out of the family reunion, is the sleek fishtail braid offered by Nicholas K., and that's actually an old look from last season.
If this assortment is a preview of what's being put on the fashion plate this season, then it looks like I'll be on a diet, or having leftovers.
Oh yeah, and the model for Christian Siriano looks like someone just slapped her in the face. What was that make-up artist thinking?

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