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The best alarm clock is sunshine on chrome. ~Author Unknown
In its broadest ecological context, economic development is the development of more intensive ways of exploiting the natural environment. ~Richard Wilkinson
The victory of Christianity over paganism was the greatest psychic revolution in the history of our culture. By destroying pagan animism, Christianity made it possible to exploit nature in a mood of indifference to the feelings of natural objects. ~Lynn I. White, Jr., Science, 10 March 1967
Nothing ever gets anywhere. The earth keeps turning round and gets nowhere. The moment is the only thing that counts. ~Jean Cocteau, Professional Secrets, 1922
If it draws blood, it's hardware. ~Author Unknown
Give thanks for what you are now, and keep fighting for what you want to be tomorrow. ~Fernanda Miramontes-Landeros
Stress is nothing more than a socially acceptable form of mental illness. ~Richard Carlson
Seek freedom and become captive of your desires. Seek discipline and find your liberty. ~Frank Herbert, Dune Chronicles
Whatever our souls are made of, his and mine are the same. ~Emily Bronte
I went to a fight the other night and a hockey game broke out. ~Rodney Dangerfield
Every day I get up and look through the Forbes list of the richest people in America. If I'm not there, I go to work. ~Robert Orben
On the one hand, shopping is dependable: You can do it alone, if you lose your heart to something that is wrong for you, you can return it; it's instant gratification and yet something you buy may well last for years. ~Judith Krantz
Art is moral passion married to entertainment. Moral passion without entertainment is propaganda, and entertainment without moral passion is television. ~Rita Mae Brown
It is not necessary to change. Survival is not mandatory. ~W. Edwards Deming (Thank you, Michelle.)
Disease is war with the laws of our being, and all war, as a great general has said, is hell. ~Lewis G. Janes
What is the difference between a taxidermist and a tax collector? The taxidermist takes only your skin. ~Mark Twain, Notebook, 1902
Friends are kisses blown to us by angels. ~Author Unknown
Oaths are but words, and words but wind. ~Samuel Butler (1612-1680), Hudribas
A consumer is a shopper who is sore about something. ~Harold Coffin
I knew a gentleman who was so good a manager of his time that he would not even lose that small portion of it which the calls of nature obliged him to pass in the necessary-house; but gradually went through all the Latin poets in those moments. ~Lord Chesterfield
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