Monday, June 1, 2009

Shoe Ocean

Since it is Merde-day, and there's not much going on, I am giving you this new shoe porn site I found, every bit as good as It's Every pair of shoes you see here is under 10 dollars!!! They have lots more that are a bit more expensive, but not much. If you click on the title - Shoe Ocean - it will take you directly to their site.
As for yesterday, I forgot to bring my camera. It was a full day of flea marketing, but I came away without anything that I was looking for. I did, however, come away with a lovely little pink Michael Stars tank top that the vendor simply gave to me, because she likes me and I give her a lot of business.
The rest of the day was spent food shopping (yea!), and doing some dyi projects, which I will do a separate post on.
Our computer died yesterday, and I was completely panic stricken, but also a little relieved. I suddenly had oodles of time to do little things other than blogging my heart out. Cute Hubby vacuumed out the inside of the computer, and it's running brilliantly now. Are you still here? Go check out the shoe porn. xo d

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