Wednesday, February 10, 2010

My Reality

Cute Hubby: (Putting on his snow gear) I'm going to go out to shovel. So what are you doing? You going to miss it?

Me: No. I'm finishing up this thing on facebook and I have to call youngest daughter back. I won't be missing it. I'll be out later.

Ten Minutes later, cause evidently Cute Hubby has ten minutes worth of survival gear to put on........

Cute Hubby: Well, I'm just going to

Me: (cutting in) See ya, bye. I'm just doing some dishes and a few other things, so I might "miss" it.

Door closes loudly behind me.

I did a few dishes, baked some Pillsbury cinnamon rolls (cause they're my favorite), made some phone calls, watched Cute Hubby through the window. He looks content enough, shoveling & talking to a neighbor. It's still snowing like a mo-fo. I don't think I'm going to miss it.

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